Episode 10: Sebastian Schug and the creative world of publishing

Show Notes


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Favorite warmup

  • Drinking a Glass of water. He can drink it real fast… Trust us…

About Guest

  • Narrator - Writer - Publisher… He does a lot.
  • Sebastian got his start in children’s books with a client that went from just a few books to many. He has done a lot because of the work he has done and all of the projects he is excited by. He is willing to do a lot that he is interested in and can do a lot when it comes to bringing a book to market.

Key learnings

  • Word of mouth is important. By doing good work for clients and working with them to the best of your ability they will connect with likeminded people and will think of you when their colleagues are interested in your offering.
  • Producing a book is much like publishing almost any type of digital media like on youtube. Sebastian has done a lot and learned by trial and error. He has learned what works and is constantly just working and doing new things. He targets all sources he can.
  • Sebastian doesn’t deal with payment up front when publishing. Royalties are the core interest for writers. Clients and Sebastian are also interested in exposure. Publishing books is not all about the money, though you can make money. It does however have a good effect on exposure.
  • Audio books came in as a secondary method. Sebastian has gone ahead and added this offering to his capabilities. By adding audio books authors now have another channel to find new readers / listeners.

Closing Questions

What is the hardest thing about pursuing the arts?

Maintaining a drive to do something. It is important to get out there and just get stuff done. Get past the initial hump and emotions you face and get started on what you are really passionate about.

Who have you learned the most from?

He has learned most from authors he has read. Not everyone is going to love what you do. Take opinions with a grain of salt. Be passionate and do what you want to do.

What Resource have you learned the most from?

The life and advice from peers and friends/family. He is able to take those experiences and advice he gets and shapes them into stories.

Favorite piece of art or inspiration?

Thankful By: Meltycanon

Quotes… do you have them?

“Fish where the fish are biting”
“The first person willing to negotiate, will show their passion and purpose”

What keeps you up at night?

There is always so much left to do. “There are million different things I haven’t done” - Hamilton the Musical

Do you have advice for a person that doesn’t pursue the arts full time, or is just starting out?

There are so many creatives that have ideas. When it comes down to getting it done is just having confidence and taking action to get started.